Meet Bird Buddy, our next level bird feeder

My mom always fed the birds growing up. At least once a day, she would trudge around our large backyard and fill feeders for the parrots, doves and finches that visited our palm and fruit trees.

I always thought that would be such a pain. Then the pandemic hit, and we were in Iowa with no where to go. I bought a bird feeder “for the cats” and now I’m that person who trudges out to the feeder in the snow when it’s negative five degrees outside to make sure they don’t starve overnight.

So when Bird Buddy showed up on Kickstarter promising a bird feeder with a camera, of course I had to buy one.

Image of the Bird Buddy
Photo courtesy of Bird Buddy

It took a little while due to COVID shipping challenges, but I love our Bird Buddy! We have gotten some amazing pictures from it so far:

  • Birds seen on our new Bird Buddy bird feeder.

Bird Buddy uses AI to identify the birds based on the the algorithm they’ve created. If it identifies the wrong bird, you can correct it through the app. I love checking the app every day to see who our visitors have been (mostly starlings and house sparrows because it’s winter.

Bird Buddy is out of stock right now, but you can pre-order them through their website.

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