That last time I had to find a job and what helped

In the not so distant past, I decided that’s it was time to leave the role I was in and look for something new. Here are some of the resources that helped me in my search:


  • – I learned pretty quickly that companies are posting the same jobs everywhere: LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, etc. I didn’t want to be that person who applied to the same job five times without realizing it because the company keep reposting the job at different times on different sites. became my lifeline. I added their Chrome extension and saved each job I was interested in to their site. I set it up in a board view, and moved each job I applied to through my own application categories. I liked it so much I paid the $10 a month. 10/10 recommend.
  • FlexJobs – If you’re looking for a remote job like I was, I really found FlexJobs to be useful. They’re vet the job listings to make sure they’re really remote, which is important now that some companies are walking back their remote work policies. I did pay for a membership here. It offers some benefits like attending webinars on your career and job searching, as well as discounts to different services. If you want a 30% discount let me know, I do get one month free by using their “tell a friend” form.


I’m a big proponent of getting your resume redone every two years or so when you’re in a role. Most people aren’t great at selling themselves because they just think their job is their job (myself included). Highlighting my accomplishments on paper feels unnatural, so I like having a translator that works as my partner to get it updated. If you’re not looking for a new role, it helps you talk about yourself in a different way during your next performance review or in-house promotion. Sites I’ve used:

  • TopResume – TopResume offers a free resume review, which I found out about through my IABC membership. I was happy with their work. Just be prepared to provide some STAR-style situations to help your resume writer!
  • The Resume Review – I used this service a few years ago and was very happy with the result. They’re offering a discount to refresh resumes now and I would have used them again if it was offered when I need it.

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